Convert customers March 4, 2022
Xeno Makes Your Marketing Marvelous

If you thought Xeno was only about support for existing customers, well think again! Xeno can be used to support many arms of your business, including marketing.  Here’s how:   Integrations with Popular Apps Xeno has integrations with many popular apps that help with marketing and other business processes, including Marketo, Zapier and Salesforce. These […]

Attract customers February 25, 2022
The Three Ps of Onboarding: Planning, Personalisation and Opinion

  Ok we might have been pushing it with the last P, but stick with us! On-point onboarding is essential for running a successful online business. Good onboarding strategy helps to give a solid first impression to your company and introduction to your product, increases customer satisfaction and decreases churn. Good onboarding shows customers how […]

Attract customers December 27, 2021
How to Get New Customers (and Keep Them Too)!

  As a business, your customers should be at the center of everything. Knowing fully well who your customers are, and their patterns would help you keep your business running. However, it is not just about knowing who your customers are, it is knowing the identity of your business as well and what makes you […]

Attract customers December 24, 2021
The One Thing Remote Teams Can’t Live Without

  The work landscape has changed dramatically over the past year because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Companies have had no other choice but to switch to remote work as governments mandated everyone to stay home, and closed borders.  When the COVID-19 first shut down in-person businesses in 2020, it took quite a while for some […]

Attract customers December 20, 2021
Why Everyone is Using Live Response (and You Should Too!)

Nowadays, it may seem like everyone is using live response software on their websites. Everywhere you look, you see chatboxes and buttons that promise to connect you with a live team member. The truth is, lots of businesses are using live response to step up their sales game and you could be, and should be, […]

Convert customers October 25, 2021
Organize to Optimize: Xeno Features that Save You time and Money

Optimize, optimize, optimize, if you’ve been in the digital marketing world for any amount of time,  no doubt you have heard this phrase time and time and again, and for good reason, who doesn’t want their business operating as well as it can at all levels. There are many benefits of live response as standard, […]

Attract customers October 21, 2021
Ice Cream and Online Marketing

It’s that time of the year again, shorts and flip flops are out, BBQs are fired up, and mostly, people are moaning about it being too hot, haha. And you know what’s a great way to cool down, ICE CREAM!  Did you know that there are many similarities between running an online business, and a […]

Convert customers July 16, 2021
Growing an Online Business for Beginners: Customer Conversion

  Once you are bringing leads into your business, the next step is to move them towards a sale, and convert them into actual customers. Just to recap, a lead means a potential customer and conversion means turning potential customers into actual ones.  To sell online, it’s important to cultivate trust in your brand and […]

Convert customers July 12, 2021
The Do’s and Don’ts of Lead Conversion: What to do and what not to do when converting leads into paying customers

Lead conversion can be just as frustrating as the process of lead generation. Once you’ve finally figured out where and how to find your leads, now you’re tasked with the job of finally converting them into paying customers. But how exactly do you do that without sending them running for the hills with all that […]

Attract customers July 9, 2021
Growing an Online Business for Beginners: Generating Leads

When you start an online business, there are lots of things to think about when it comes to growth. How will people know about you? How can you get those people to trust you and educate them about your product? And on top of this, how do you get them to come back to you […]

Convert customers April 19, 2021
6 Savvy Features of Xeno to Help Conversion

How efficient is your business at converting leads into customers? Live support software could help you take visitors on your website from interest to purchase. It provides a way to instantly connect with your support agents where they can offer personal assistance, qualify leads, collect lead information and more. Xeno has lots of features to […]

Convert customers April 16, 2021
5 Cracking Features to Cultivate Epic Customer Service

Good customer service is a key component of any successful business strategy, get it right and you could nurture brand advocates, increase conversion and lower churn, whilst getting it wrong can be bad news.  Live support software can be a great compliment to your customer support strategy, giving instant, 1-to-1 advice to customers 24/7, if […]

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