April 1st, 2020

2 Popular Lead Generation Strategies for Your Business

2 Popular Lead Generation Strategies for Your Business

What is your strategy to attract leads online? Have you doubled down on content marketing, email or something else? You may be using a combination. There is more than one way of generating potential customers. We thought we would take a look at 2 popular methods for you:


Social Media Marketing

A large percentage of the world is now on social media. Even my friend’s cat has over 1,000 followers on Instagram! It makes sense to go where the people are (and cats). Whether social media is a good choice for you and which platform may be best can depend on what type of business you have. Instagram or Snapchat for example has on average, a younger audience. If you are selling gap year travel packages for example, then you may have more success there.

You could generate leads for your business by using your social media platforms to connect with people and cultivate community, building awareness and trust in your brand.


Content Marketing

Content marketing can be a good way of making people aware of your brand and building trust. The Content Marketing Institute describe it as

“a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.”

In a nutshell, you help your customers with their problems, this makes them aware that you exist and can build trust, moving them along the sales funnel.

E.g. One of the most popular forms of content are blogs. If your target market are gardeners and a gardener wants to know the best time of year to plant sunflowers, they may Google the answer.

The blog article that you wrote with everything you need to know about sunflowers comes up as a result. They read your blog with your company name on it, on your website and hey presto, awareness. And if you are lucky, their sunflowers are magnificent this year because they plant them at the right time, they remember you gave them this advice, and the beginnings of trust is built. It may not be this simple, but that’s the basic idea!


Live Support

Live support software can work in unison with your marketing strategies to help attract leads online:

  • Xeno has multichannel capabilities for Facebook, Twitter and more. This means that leads generated from social media can contact you or you can contact them, and they don’t have to leave the app.
  • After reading a piece of content on your blog, leads may wish to know more about your company, having a chatbox on your blog page offers a way for visitors to speak to an advisor instantly, in just one click.


Lead Them to You

Hopefully that’s some food for thought if you aren’t already using social media or content marketing. Xeno live support software has a range of features that could help to assist in lead generation and make daily use simple, including professional finish chatboxes, omnichannel capability and a consolidated team inbox.  Get started today.



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Grace Williamson
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