March 9th, 2020

5 Ways Live Support Can Help with Conversion

5 Ways Live Support Can Help with Conversion

How good is your company at converting? Have you read countless articles about sales funnels and conversion rate optimization? But you could still do with some help taking leads from interest to purchase? Live support could be one avenue you are yet to explore?

Live support software could help to increase your conversion rate for a number of reasons. It can help in the decision-making process, to build trust, and simply because people like it!


1.    Building Trust

Getting leads to trust you can help with taking them from interest to purchase. Live support gives you the chance to nurture relationships with customers as your agents can connect with them on a personal level. Your agents represent your company and well-trained agents can place you in an excellent light with your customers.


2.    Decision Making Process

Leads may have questions about your product, about features or price plans they don’t understand, or the difference between you and a competitor etc. Live support gives them instant access to an expert who can answer these questions for them. It also gives your agents a chance to let them know how your product can address their business needs specifically.


3.     Helps with Cart Abandonment

Leads may get as far as the purchase page and they may have an issue or query that needs resolving before they make a payment. Including a chat box on this page could help to secure purchases today that may have otherwise slipped away.


4.    Customers Love Live Support

Customer service could be a factor in a purchase decision. Live support has proven to be very popular as it has a high customer satisfaction rate. Knowing that a company has live support and you can get help easily if you have any problems may help customers to choose you.


5.    24/7, Instant Access

Customers make purchases around the clock online. If you have the budget it makes sense to have a customer service that matches this. Helping you to reduce the number of customers that you may have missed out on before. Live support can also be instant, seizing the day, whilst customers are in a buying mode.


From Interest to Purchase

So there is a few reasons live support could help to strengthen a leaky sales funnel and optimize your conversion rate. A quality live support software such as Xeno could help to make your strategy even more effective. With a self-powered CRM that automatically adds all contacts to an enriched address book, post-chat surveys for continued optimization and a professional finish chatbox to help build trust. Get started today.

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Written by
Grace Williamson
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