December 12th, 2018

How to Increase your Customer Satisfaction Rating

How to Increase your Customer Satisfaction Rating

Your customer satisfaction rating is gauged by asking customers to rate your level of service on a linear scale, generally from 1 to 5. This is an important metric for measuring how well your team is doing.

Keeping your customer satisfaction rating high and making customers feel special is a good way to reduce churn for your business. If it is on the low side, there are a number of things you can look at, including:


Speed of Response

One of the reasons using live support software has such a high level of consumer satisfaction, is its immediacy. Indeed, 79% of customers say they like live chat as an option because they get their questions answered straight away. If you keep a customer waiting to join a conversation for too long or your leave them hanging during it, this could reduce your score. You may want to consider hiring more staff, scheduling more effectively to be available at peak times or giving some extra training on how to multitask.


Improve FCR

Your FCR is your first contact resolution rate, or, how often you solve customer’s issues the first time you speak to them. One of the reasons for a low consumer satisfaction rating could be that their issue was unresolved or that they have had to come to you multiple times about the same issue. Working on your FCR could improve your consumer satisfaction rating overall. Ways to improve your FCR include: using a pre-chat questionnaire so that they speak to the right person the first time and communicating your progress so that customers don’t get frustrated with waiting.


Chat History

The past has a lot to answer for, in order to find out where you can improve, look at past chat conversations with low scores and see if there is a common theme. Maybe you have a new product that your team needs more training on, or their emotional intelligence skills need sharpening to help them deal with emotional customers.


Just Ask

This is a simple one, but just asking if there is anything else you can do to help at the end of a conversation can help to increase satisfaction, as you ensure there is nothing more you can do and it helps to make customers feel special.


I Can’t Get No… Satisfaction

Live customer support already has a high satisfaction rating when compared to other platforms, so if you can optimize your chat game on top of this, you are onto a winner. It’s important to monitor metrics and review your team’s progress. A quality live support software such as Xeno will help to make this job easier for you. With chat history, pre and post chat questionnaires and a range of KPIs, you should be well on your way to satisfaction.

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Grace Williamson
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