July 24th, 2020

Why You Need a Knowledge Base for Your Customers


What is a Knowledge Base?

A knowledge base is somewhere your customers can go to access all kinds of information on your business. A knowledge base is typically organized in a way that makes it easy for someone to find a certain piece of information they are looking for and helps reduce the amount of time spent searching.

If you are familiar with Help Center or FAQ pages, then you are familiar with knowledge bases.


How Do I Create a Knowledge Base?

Creating a knowledge base doesn’t have to be as big of an obstacle as it seems. With Xeno, you can easily create or import a knowledge base so you can have it whenever a customer needs it.

And, with Xeno’s natural language processing feature, the bot can feed answers to your customers straight from your knowledge base using the keywords from their inquiry. That means your customers are served quickly and effectively without you having to lift a finger!


Why You Need to Create a Knowledge Base

Knowledge bases are immensely helpful, no matter the niche of your business. You may not think you need it, but you’d be surprised at just how handy they could be.

At some point in time, you are going to have a customer that needs help with something. And while you’d like to think you’d be right there to help them, it doesn’t always work out that way. Especially if you are growing your business and gaining new customers every day.

Creating a knowledge base can help you build a better workflow and improve your business in four key areas:

Knowledge Bases Provide Better Customer Support

One centralized location where your customers could answer all of their questions would go a long way in improving their customer experience. It makes it easier and quicker for them to get the answers they need.

Even if they still have to contact customer support with their questions, they will probably have a better idea of what to ask because they just got done reading up on their problem in your knowledge base. This also means your customer support staff will be able to help them in a more accurate manner.

Knowledge Bases Create Happy Customers

In the same vein as providing better customer support, knowledge bases can also improve the happiness of your customers. Instead of them getting super frustrated on phone calls with customer support, they have one place to go with direct and detailed information.

It even reduces the number of customers who need to contact your customer support in the first place. It’s a proven fact that people do not like waiting to get in touch with customer support agents, whether it’s over the phone or via a live chat. So a knowledge base would eliminate their frustration before it even begins

Knowledge Bases Create Great, Searchable Content

Another bonus of having a knowledge base is the fact that it creates a ton of content that helps your website rank higher on search engines!

For instance, if your business provides technology that aids in marketing and you have a knowledge base that details exactly how to use the technology to get certain results, then your knowledge base pages may show up in search results when someone is researching marketing strategies.

By providing this valuable tool for your customers, you are also improving your business’ reach!

Knowledge Bases Help Your Team

One little known way that a knowledge base can benefit your business is the fact that it can help your team out in numerous ways!

Hire a new employee? Use your knowledge base to familiarize them with your business.

Need to create training material? Start with your knowledge base. 

Pitching your brand to a potential new client? Show them your knowledge base.

A knowledge base certainly offers numerous advantages to you and your business and Xeno provides the exact platform you need so you can manage your knowledge base and do so much more!

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Grace Williamson
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