January 29th, 2020

5 Methods That Will Make Customer Retention Easy in 2020

5 Methods That Will Make Customer Retention Easy in 2020

In this new year, you need to focus more on keeping the customers you already have than trying to get new ones.

If the above statement is your mindset, then congratulations! You’re already one step ahead of many people in the business who are spending so much to bring in leads, but working so little to keep what they already have.

In this article, I will share with you five methods to apply in your business that will make retaining your customers easy in 2020. By the end of this article, you are guaranteed to have a better customer retention strategy than the one you had before, just by learning and following these new trends.


Improvement in Customer Satisfaction

This might sound like an outdated trend, but believe me, customers are getting more and more accustomed to doing far less nowadays. You need to reduce customer effort in 2020 more than ever before and increase customer satisfaction if you want to retain customers.

So keep your ears open, listen to customers’ feedback and do everything you can to reduce customer effort so that they do not go running to the arms of your competitors.


The Use of Live Response Marketing

You will always find me preaching the importance of live response marketing because I understand how important it is for customers and leads to get quick responses, especially in a world with fast decreasing attention span. It is a good way to listen to customers’ feedback and respond in real time.

When your customers are satisfied quickly, they are more likely to stay loyal to you and your business. You can get started on live response marketing with Xeno by clicking the link here.


More Personalized Customer Relationships

Customers are more likely to engage a brand with personalized info that concerns them as opposed to other brands without a specific, targeted message. What you have to do is run targeted campaigns and create more targeted emails for your customers that will cause them to engage more with your products. Try to be more proactive with your customer outreach so that you can proffer support to them by helping them with their already purchased product and cause them to stay longer.


More Data Driven Customer Research

More and more companies are using data to monitor customer patterns and identify customer behavior, and you should join them if you want to improve customer retention in 2020.
Using customer data is also helpful in generating more leads while spending less money.


The Use of Subscription or Membership Features

People like feeling like they have access to something that many others do not have access to, especially when that thing is a thing of utmost value and when it costs them some of their money. No matter your style or pattern of business, you can always create an exclusive feature that makes your product easier to use.

Provide customers with access to exclusive subscription and membership features and that will make them more committed and loyal to your business in 2020.


Conclusion: Don’t be totally focused on trends, be focused on your values

I totally believe that before you work on retaining a customer, you should work on retaining values like efficiency, integrity and business purpose. Do not just focus on using trends as they come to retain customers, rather be more focused on working on your core company values and using these trends as tools for increased benefits to the customer and your business.

That way, the trends you decide to use will be more potent and you will see results faster.

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Alexis L.
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