May 20th, 2019

Conversion Rate Optimization: How Live Chat Can Help

Conversion Rate Optimization: How Live Chat Can Help

No one likes the idea of missed opportunities. The beautiful person that passed you on the street, the lotto ticket that you didn’t buy. Or more specifically here, the customer that visited your website but left without buying.

There are some best practices to follow that could help to get your website converting nicely, taking visitors from interest to purchase. Live support software can complement these. And it can also act as safety net if your site isn’t converting all that well.

The following could help the to optimize the conversion rate of your site:


Strong CTA

Everything on your page should be working in unison to get the viewer to click on your call-to-action. Make sure that it ties in with the rest of your site and that it is clear.



Trust is an important part of the conversion process. Social proof such as testimonials from happy customers or experts can help to build this.  A counter showing the number of users or products sold could help here too.


Laser focused Copy

The words you use on your page can be important for taking the reader from interest to purchase. They can show the reader the benefits of your product, teach them about your companies’ vision and can help to get them to take action. If you don’t have the time to research the art of copywriting you can hire a freelancer from multiple places across the web.


A/B Test

Make sure you test elements of your page to check it is performing at its optimum.


Conversion and Live Support

Live chat can help to inform you what to change and what to keep on your website. If the same questions are being asked over and over again, maybe you could change your copy to make this clearer? Post-chat surveys can be used in combination with A/B testing to really drill down to what is working and what isn’t.

If your website isn’t converting well, live support could help with this. Placing chat boxes or pop-ups on important pages give visitors an opportunity to get immediate help if they have a question or get stuck with any part of the purchasing process. Potentially catching them and closing the deal before they leave.


Support Your Customers and Your Optimization Strategy

Live support can be a great way to help get your page up to speed and to assist conversion alongside your website. It’s important to choose the right live support software for your business. Xeno has a conversational bot that can assist customers out of hours or until a representative becomes available. It also displays user information, including chat history and the company a prospect works for if you have had previous contact with them, helping you to qualify leads.

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Grace Williamson
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