February 14th, 2019

Give your contacts the 411 with our News Feed feature!

News Feed feature!

Looking for a quick and easy way to keep your contacts posted about your product updates? You can now write short scoops in Xeno and display them directly into your chatbox. That’s what a News Feed is: a record of all notable changes made to a service or product.

Your visitors can access your News Feed in two ways:

  • Directly from your chatbox
  • From a dedicated page on your website

A title, a few sentences and off you go! Your contacts will be up to date regarding your company, product or service updates!


Check it out!


Your Company’s Logbook

We know a business’s life is hectic and eventful. With the Xeno News Feed, your ship’s crew can keep track of the notable events marking your company’s life and keep the shore up to date. Company, product or service updates… there is no better way to get a sneak peak into your updates.



Newsletters? So outdated.

Customer habits are changing and we can state that people are more prone to get the information they want by themselves. The Xeno News Feed is the ideal tool to exceed their expectations and keep your audience updated on the latest developments of your products.


All your latest Changes, in a glance

The Xeno News Feed is, above all, a very visual tool. All your changes are displayed in reverse chronological order: from the latest to the oldest change. Plus, you can have different categories for the various types of changes you want to add to your News Feed. That way, your users can easily distinguish a business announcement from a status update. The categories already available are: New, Improvement and Fix, but you can create as many categories as you want.


The easiest way to get instant feedback

Sick of sending thousands of emails to know what your customers think of your latest big change? The Xeno News Feed allows your team to follow the reactions to any of your changes in real time. Better yet, your visitors can react to any of your changes by clicking on

😃 – 😐 or 😞.

Moreover, you can track the number of views each of your changes get in real time.


Check it out!


Your customers deserve to know how hard you are working for them. Thanks to your News Feed, they have access to your changes and updates in 2 clicks! An incredible opportunity for both your team and your customers: you can keep your contacts involved in your business’s life, giving them that cherry on top of great customer communication. So, what are you waiting for to publish your first piece? 😉

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Written by
Alexis L.
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